Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sauteed Brussels Sprouts

My family loves brussels sprouts.  Well, me, my husband and my 7 year old do.  My 4 year old doesn't like anything so we don't pay much attention to whether he will eat something or not!  Ahem.  Anyway, these sauteed brussels sprouts are a great accompaniment to any meat dish for which you need a quick, easy and yummy side.  I promise you will love them if you just give them a try!

2 T. extra virgin olive oil
2 lb. frozen brussels sprouts (Yes, frozen.  I promise it works in this application), thawed and cut in half
6 cloves garlic, minced
Salt and pepper

Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat.  Add brussels sprouts, garlic, salt and pepper (to taste) and saute 10-15 minutes until some of the brussels sprouts start to get caramelized.  Taste one to make sure they are seasoned just right and add more salt and pepper if necessary.  Enjoy!

To prep this dish ahead you could thaw brussels sprouts and cut them in half and mince the garlic.  Store them in the fridge until ready to saute.

Serves 6 (120 calories each serving) according to my calculator on


  1. One of my favorite side dishes!

  2. I'm making these right now! They smell so good!--Beth
