Monday, May 13, 2013

Green Green Spring Vegetables

This is a beautiful side dish for spring and summer and so easy to put together!  Of course, you can use any green veggies you like!  Be creative and wing it!  That's what spring and summer are all about after all.

Green Green Spring Vegetables (adapted from Ina Garten)

1/4 lb. fresh green beans, stems removed
1/4 lb. sugar snap beans, stems removed
1 bundle asparagus, woody stems removed 
1/2 lb. broccolini or broccoli, woody stems removed
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
3 large shallots, sliced
1/2 t. black pepper

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and blanch the green beans for 1 minute.  Remove the beans from the water using a slotted spoon or mesh strainer and place immediately into a large bowl of ice water.  Add the sugar snap peas to the same pot of boiling water and cook for 1 minute.  Add them to the ice water with the green beans.  Cut the asparagus into 2" lengths and place them in the same pot of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes.  Add them to the ice water with the green beans and sugar snap peas.  Add the broccolini or broccoli to the water and place in the same pot of boiling water and cook for 1 minute.  Add them to the ice water with the green beans, sugar snap peas and asparagus.  When all the veggies are cooled, drain well.  These steps can be done ahead and you can store the veggies in the fridge until you are ready to proceed.

When ready to serve, heat the oil in a very large skillet.  Saute the shallots over medium heat for 5 minutes, tossing occasionally, until lightly browned. Add the drained vegetables to the shallots with 1/2 teaspoon salt and the pepper and toss. Cook just until the vegetables are heated through. Serve hot.

4 servings (130 calories each serving) according to my calculator on

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