Thursday, June 6, 2013

Melt Your Heart Tuna Melt

Does anyone else watch Rachael vs. Guy:  Celebrity Cook-Off?  I'm the only one?  Alrighty then!  Well, here's the deal.  Rachael Ray and Guy Fieri take washed up celebrities (let's be honest here, people) and teach them how to be better cooks and, at the end, one walks away with money for the charity of their choice.  One of the competitors from the last season was Carnie Wilson of the formerly popular sister singing group, Wilson Phillips (think "Hold On For One More Day.")  Anyway, if you're still with me after ALL that background I just gave you should know that Carnie Wilson makes a MEAN tuna melt.  The addition of fresh herbs to canned tuna is genius!  Here is the recipe with my adaptations:

Melt Your Heart Tuna Melt (adapted from

For the tuna salad:

1 (12 oz.) can tuna, drained (I used albacore)
1/4 c. light mayonnaise
Juice of 1 lemon
2 green onions, chopped
2 T. fresh herbs, such as basil, parsley, cilantro or mint, chopped (I used basil, parsley and cilantro)
1 t. red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

To assemble the sandwiches:

Softened butter
8 slices of bread of your choice (I used rye but sourdough or wheat would be great too!)
8 slices cheddar cheese
Pickles for serving

For the tuna salad combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine.  Taste and season with salt and pepper.  Divide into four equal servings. 

To assemble the sandwiches lightly butter each slice of bread on one side and place 4 pieces face down on a griddle.  Place the cheddar cheese and 1/4 of the tuna salad on each slice of bread.  Put the remaining slices of bread, buttered side up, on top and turn the griddle to medium heat.  Cook until each side is toasted, the cheese is melted and the sandwich is warmed through.  Serve warm with pickles!

The tuna salad can be prepared ahead and the sandwiches assembled and cooked just before you want to eat.

4 servings (456 calories each serving) according to my calculator on  This, of course, will depend on the bread you use.  The bread I used was only 60 calories a slice!

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