Friday, July 19, 2013

Breakfast Snack Mix

One day last week I was walking by my dining room table and I noticed a list my 8 year old had started.  Upon further inspection (because I love lists and I love my 8 year old) I noticed the list had food items on it!  A list of food items!  I could not love this kid more.  When I tracked him down and asked him about it he said, "I'm working on a breakfast snack mix mom.  Will you put it on your blog?"  Yes, my boy, I will put it on my blog!  And so, without further adieu, I give you breakfast snack mix a la Eli.  I am also refraining from giving you calorie information on this post because, well, 8 year olds don't care about calories and this is really just for fun!  Enjoy!

Breakfast Snack Mix (Eli)

1/2 box Angry Birds graham crackers
1/2 box rice cereal
1 small bag chocolate covered raisins
1 small can whole cashews

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl or ziploc bag and dig in!

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