Thursday, February 26, 2015

Chipotle Hummus

Hi friends, it’s Coco (aka Cori) again! How have you been? Good? It’s been so long since we’ve been together I feel we need a cup of coffee and a few minutes to catch up. You may remember that I like to bake and I have guest blogged for Shel in the past. I posted a Blueberry Buckle recipe as well as a Pumpkin Caramel Blondie recipe. Have you tried them yet? Well what are you waiting for? If you’re all settled in I’ll get started on today’s recipe, but first we need a little history - cue the FRIENDS theme song…

Have you ever watched FRIENDS? I know a silly question because who hasn’t? Well, Shel and my sister-in-law, Julie, are FRIENDS FAN-addicts! You see what I did there?!  They quote lines all the time!  All.The.Time.  In this case Shel and I were talking about my daughter’s upcoming birthday party and how I was making Shel’s hummus recipe (which is uber delicious). Not only was I making Shel's hummus I was mulling over the idea of making a Chipotle Hummus with the extra can of chick peas I had on hand.  I got Shel on the phone to tell her my plans and can you guess the first thing she said? “What gets out hummus?  What gets out hummus?” You guessed it, a line from FRIENDS!  After we had a good laugh and I got her back on track we began brainstorming this recipe.  Let me tell ya folks, it’s GOOD!  Never have veggies seen a better dipper but you can also dip pita bread, pita chips, crackers, or even make a wrap for lunch!  What’s great about this recipe is you can add more chipotle peppers and/or adobo sauce and kick up the heat factor to your liking! You’ll be glad you did…just like I’m glad for friends (like Shel) that will be there for me when the rain starts to pour. Because she’s been there and she knows I will be there for her too.   

Chipotle Hummus (adapted from

1 (15 oz.) can chick peas, drained and rinsed
1 medium chipotle pepper + 2 t. sauce from a can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (more if you want it spicier!)
5 T. lime juice
1/3 c. tahini paste
2 T. water
1/2 t. salt
1 t. minced garlic
1/2 t. cumin
1/2 t. chili powder
Pita, for serving

Add all ingredients to your food processor and pulse until smooth. Serve with pita.

10 servings (102 calories each serving) according to my calculator on

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